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First Publication for MTIC!

MTIC is now published in the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine

A paper by MTIC titled: "Multiple angiolipomas visualized by dynamic and delayed “total-body” [18F]-DCFPyL and [64Cu]-SARbisPSMA PET/CT" has now been published as the "Image of the Month" in the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.

This paper highlights the capability of our amazing ultra-extended field-of-view PET/CT and a novel radiopharmaceutical that leverages the scanner's capabilities to address clinical dilemmas and provide new scientific insights. It also reflects the talented and enthusiastic Nuclear Medicine Technologist team here at MTIC.

Click the link below to view the publication:

Multiple angiolipomas visualized by dynamic and delayed “total-body” [18F]-DCFPyL and [64Cu]-SARbisPSMA PET/CT (

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