Our Team
Katherine Lyons
Theranostic Nurse Consultant
Katherine Lyons completed her Bachelor’s degree in Science, specializing in Pharmacology at the University of Melbourne. She then went on to study a Masters in Nursing Science at the University of Melbourne. She completed her Graduate Nurse Program at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. There she found an interest in Oncology and Research and went on to do postgraduate studies completing a diploma in Oncology and Palliative Care and gaining additional qualifications in training and education as well as adolescent counselling.
Over the past 7 years Katherine has contributed to the training and education of nurses in her roles as a Clinical Nurse Specialist and Practice Development Nurse at The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. She has a particular passion for and interest in discovering new and innovative ways to improve the patient healthcare experience. She has worked as a nurse in Theranostics striving to deliver high quality care to patients receiving radionuclide therapy.
At the Melbourne Theranostic Innovation Centre (MTIC) she aims to continue to impart her knowledge and experience in the field of Theranostic nursing to others as well as continue to research various applications of radionuclide therapies with the hope to improve patient outcomes.